Wedding Favour

What’s a wedding favour you ask? It’s the little gift you put on the table for your guests to take home.

Traditionally it was a few sugar coated almonds wrapped in some netting with a ribbon to hold it all together. Now days it has become more complex ranging from sweets or chocolates in a range of boxes to computer gadgets.

There are many different types of favours, but some are considered better choices than others. Remember, wedding favours don’t have to be expensive, the gift can be something home-made. If you want to go all out, by all means but it is not necessary. The idea of the wedding favour is to let people know you are grateful for 
their presence at your wedding.

Personailzed wedding Favours

When making or buying any favours, keep in mind the colour scheme of your wedding and use decorations that reveal your wedding colours.  Attach personalized favour tags to the favours that have your names and  wedding date printed on them. Some couples add a small saying to their tags as well. Delight your friends and family with exceptional and imaginative favours. Wedding favours are only limited by your imagination, so mix and match and have fun coming up with your own unique bridal favours.  Here are some examples of wedding favours to help you get started. 

Food / Sweets. One of the most popular types of wedding favours is food, basically  because most people love to eat. A great option that is  easy and inexpensive is to put some homemade cookies or dark chocolate covered peanuts inside a pretty box with some tissue paper that matches your colour scheme. Watch your guests enjoy  the beautiful box but even more, the delicious treasures inside.